My initial thoughts on how to solve this problem was to check each character, if it was a vowel replace it with a vowel from a list that was already sorted and continue.
My intuition turned out to be hard to implement, and as a result, I decided to replace all vowels with a placeholder and keep track of how many of each vowel there was. That way, I would be able to sort the unique vowels and replace the placeholder the amount of times that vowel appears.
To do this, I originally iterated over the string twice, but this was slow as I was also rebuilding the string and popping from a list of vowels.
I then attempted a regex solution which was faster but, I was still in the lower 50% of submissions, so I knew there must be a better implementation than what I was doing.
After a little research, I came across the counter class from the collections library. This allowed me to quickly count how many of each vowel there was in the string. Adapting my previous code's optimizations to work with the new method of replacing x amount of vowels at a time meant that I could drastically improve speeds as I would have to do a lot fewer iterations.
Time complexity
The time complexity of the algorithm is O(n + k log(k)) where k is the number of unique vowels.
Space complexity
The space complexity of the algorithm is O(n) as everything is dependent on the length of the inputted string.
class Solution:
def sortVowels(s: str) -> str:
vowels_set = set('aeiouAEIOU')
count = collections.Counter(s)
if not vowels_set.intersection(count):
return s
vowels = set()
for char in count:
if char in vowels_set:
s = s.replace(char, "_")
if len(vowels) == len(s):
return ''.join(sorted(vowels))
for vowel in sorted(vowels):
s = s.replace("_", vowel, count[vowel])
return s